
CBSE Exams: What are the important things you should know?


As CBSE board exams are approaching and date-sheet is out, there is an excellent stress on students to perform well and also to secure good marks as well. Class 10th exams are the first board exams that youngsters face in their lives. The teacher’s and parents too have lots of expectations from their children.

CBSE Exams: What are the essential things you should know?

So, with just a month left at the beginning of exams here are some tips and suggestions which could help in securing good marks


Planning is the first step to start the preparations. It is most important to know one’s strength and weaknesses. Set your goals and standards.

Go through the syllabus and organise your activities. Make a chart of all the critical topics that have been asked in previous exams, tests and class lectures. This will be of great help in going through all the topics. Do reading and learning enjoyable. Pursue your hobby, socialise yourself and go around in spare time.

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Do not overburden yourself with lots of books and guides. Follow your NCERT textbook and one reference book of a good author is sufficient. There are minimal chances of questions to be asked beyond prescribed textbooks. All the questions on paper revolve around the concepts given in the textbook. Read the chapter thoroughly. Use coloured pens and highlighter to mark important points and definitions. Try to solve the exercises provided at the back of each chapter.


This is the time to concentrate on studies tries to avoid distractions. Keep your phone aside and forget about your favourite tv shows, replying to unnecessary messages on Facebook, watts app and Twitter as they can eat your useful time. They waste half of your time, and all your hard work would be in a drain in case you start watching TV in the middle of your studies.

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Prepare your time table, start waking up early because the mind is fresh, and there are minimal distractions. Morning time is the best for solving problems as the mind is in a better state of reading and grasping. Also, a sleep of 7 hours is needed to stay healthy and to boost memory.


Take help from previous year papers and sample papers that are available in bookstores and also on the CBSE website. Take out some prints and try to solve them. Solving papers will help with revision as well as make you more exam ready. It gives students a fair idea of the format of the question paper. Many times the questions are repeated, or similar questions are asked in these exams.


After solving the papers, get in touch to discuss the problems with friends and tutors. Discussions prove to be very beneficial for long term memory. Many ideas and thoughts arise during discussions which provide a better understanding of topics. Even if any topic is unprepared discussions can be helpful in getting the highlights of essential points.


Stay calm and patient. Don’t stress yourself as it will hinder your progress. Eat well and take good care of your health. A lot of students face examination fever due to overstress and sleep deprivation. Ignorance towards health can be a serious issue which can be a deterrent in studies. Stop worrying about your performance in pre-board exams and comparing your marks with others. This will only make matters worse. Start with a new beginning for a better end.


Eight hours of study in a day are sufficient for the preparation of exams. Take regular breaks. In free time pursue your hobby or go out to keep your mind fresh. A healthy dietary schedule will help to boost the energy level. Eat green vegetables and plenty of fruits which will help in increasing concentration and memory level. Include dry nuts, seeds, walnuts, yoghurt and milk in your diet. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and stay away from junk food.


Practice Biology diagrams with theory and pictures. Well labelled diagrams help in securing good marks. Write down all the formula of trigonometry on a paper and grip them well. Revise them when you get spare time and solve maximum questions. It is rightly said, “Practice makes a man perfect”. Chemistry is a high scoring subject. Learn naming reactions thoroughly in chemistry. In Physics, there are theorem based questions and definitions, get a good hold over basic concepts to score well in these subjects.

Stay focussed and put more efforts towards your weak subjects. Devote more time to them as ignoring even one subject can lead to a fall in aggregate percentage. Revise them again and again. Note down the important points and formulas on a paper and paste it on a wall. Repeat them unless you remember them by heart.


Management of time is very important during exams. To check your speed and accuracy, get an idea of how much time you need to answer a question. Be precise in answering and avoid writing unnecessary things. Give stress to your weak areas. Many times even well-prepared students fail to score good marks. This is due to the wrong approach or the wrong method of answering questions.

It is not necessary to answer questions in the same pattern as they are set in the question paper. Start questions with highest marks in which you are confident enough and then eventually come towards questions carrying fewer marks. This will give you spare time to think about the questions which are blurred in your mind. Do not leave any question unanswered as there is no negative marking for wrong answers. Revise at least twice before submitting your answer sheet.


Last but not the least have faith in yourself and in whatever you do. Don’t let others tell about what you are capable of. There is no sure-shot formula or shortcut to success. Hard work and dedication can take you there and are the key to success. If you work hard and dedicate yourself to chase dreams, no one can stop you from reaching your destinations. So what are you waiting for guys “get set go”.


I am a reader and a passionate writer a good sports person and love to be myself. Trying to explore myself and my capabilities through short wanna fly high in sky...