
Importance of English in society and its influence

Importance of English in society and its influence

English as a language has grown exponentially over the past many decades. Since the Britishers left India in 1947, English…

February 10, 2023

Indian vs Western Culture and the big mistakes that we are doing

Britishers left us years ago, but they also left here curses like sorry, English, and their own culture and demolished…

February 26, 2023

Why and how Sanskrit is the most Scientific Language in the World?

Sanskrit is the first pious literature of Hinduism and ought to be used as a philosophical language in the religions…

February 26, 2023

Methods to Learn a New Language: Easy, Quick and Fun!

Learning a new language is an entirely new experience by itself. You have to learn a new alphabet (with some…

March 8, 2023